Investors In People Success
We are pleased to announce we recently gained our Investors In People Accreditation. Many people and teams across the organisation were interviewed as part of the process. There were many positives from the assessment including:
- People are proud of the work St Anne’s does, making a difference to so many people.
- People feel the strategy is much clearer and has a focus on the future.
- People feel the SMT are more visible around services, and top-level communication has improved through regular updates and blogs.
- People said the values are truly embedded throughout the organisation.
- People feel the new structures in place are working much better, e.g. having a named quality and continuous improvement lead and HR business partner.
- People said communication was improving through the marketing & communication team.
- People said the introduction of Teams is working well.
The report concluded:
“Without doubt, there is commitment to continuous improvement, and within services, managers spoke highly of the approach to quality. As an organisation, you have a focus on the future and have demonstrated that you are responsive to change. The new leadership team has a clear understanding of the external environment and the impact this has on the organisation. The business development team work hard horizon scanning for new opportunities for St Anne’s. There does appear to be genuine commitment from the senior team to making St Anne’s a great place to work and engaging as many as possible in its future success”.