Day Centres
Leading Day Service
Our nursing day service provides specialised support with learning disability nurses, who are able to support people with a wide range of health needs . The team provide high levels of care to promote the holistic well being of all individuals who access the service.
- Our Service
- Client Outcomes
- Case Studies
- Our Quality
- Support for individuals living at home with parents/carers
- Nurse input for health and social care needs with additional team support
- Referral access healthcare professionals when additional input is required
- Activities within the centre and in the community
- Support to make own choices
- Learning and stimulating environment
- Supported eating and/or drinking if required
- Healthy nutritional lunch provided with specialist dietary requirements catered for
- Support with personal care (continence requirements/choice)
- Support with positioning and social interaction
- “We are delighted with the service”. (Relatives of Client)
- “We are always kept well informed by staff, excellent communication.” (Relatives of Client)
- “Our opinions are valued and listened to. ” (Client)
- “The staff are well trained and friendly.” (Client)
- “My brother really enjoys coming to the Day Centre. He can’t wait to leave the house on a morning to attend.” (Sister of Client)
Oxfield Court Day Centre
Oxfield Court Day Centre provides nursing care for adults with multiple profound learning disabilities and additional complex health needs.
The team provide high levels of care to promote the holistic well being of all individuals who access the service. The building is fully accessible to everyone. Specialist equipment is installed and available to support individuals who use wheelchairs, require specialist seating and/or a range of manual handling equipment/hoists.
The centre is open Monday to Friday with the exception of Bank Holidays and planned closure dates. Individuals can access from a minimum of one day to a maximum of five days, dependant on identified need. Joint placements are also supported.
The Centre has no daily charge for clients where health funding has been agreed; however additional costs are charged to clients should they choose to access activities outside of the centre that are subject to an entrance fee (or where costs are incurred).
Who we support
Individuals with multiple profound learning disabilities and additional complex health needs, or who require nursing care with specialist facilities. Individuals are required to be age 18 or above; there is no maximum age for referral.
The service Provides
How to access support
Funding is required to be agreed by the Local Authority/Clinical Commissioning Group as appropriate. A full assessment of nursing needs should be completed by the social work team before a suitability assessment would be completed by the nursing team at Oxfield Court Day Centre.
Individuals can be signposted through schools, community teams and transition teams via their social worker.
Client Outcomes
Our approach supports individuals who are living at home with parents/ carers to develop and have interaction.
Our multi-disciplinary team works with agency providers including social care to ensure each individual service users needs are met – on a bespoke basis.
We pride ourselves on supporting the people who access the service to be as engaged as possible with the local community, and support them in making individual choices to access activities they will enjoy.
Throughout the time at the service all clients are provided with personal care and support, including food based on diets and health requirements.
We additionally support the families we work with by providing transport too and from the service.
The day centre is a important part of the network of support these clients have, and it provides support and a network for the families and carers.
Case Studies
Client X has been attending the Day Centre for 5 years. During this time client X was supported through a period of transition from their previous day centre, ensuring we had the knowledge and skills to meet their care needs. Throughout their time at the day centre, the staff team have worked with other professionals within the multi-disciplinary team, their local GP practice, external agencies, specialist services, family and the individual to ensure their health and social care needs are achieved.
Day Centre have worked with the individual and family to get to know them as a person, facilitating person centred meetings to set goals as to what the individual would like to achieve. Each person has their own aspirations. Client X reached their main goal of attending rebound therapy and will be setting their next goals for the coming year.
Client X has benefitted from the holistic nursing care provided at the day centre to reduce the incidences of hospital admissions and provide the client with the opportunity to remain at home with family. This has involved continuous input from the nursing team to monitor the individual. Day Centre have taken the lead in co ordinating and bringing professionals together in order to plan and implement care, recognising that working collaboratively leads to improved standards and better outcomes for the individual. These interventions have involved provided care in areas such pressure area care, wound care, nutrition, postural care and care of the stoma.
To support Client X, we promoted the principles of ‘Valuing People Now (2001 and 2009), by facilitating for the client to access mainstream services, in ways such as devising a hospital passport (for the individual and family) to give to professionals to guide them in providing timely and specific care for the individual and by supporting them to services for appointments when identified as a need.
Our approach has been built around the needs of the client and in partnership with the family. To support our approach and constant learning we sought feedback from the family, who highlighted they were always felt informed as to their family member whilst attending the day centre’.
We are proud to have a team with knowledge and training in areas so that we can meet individual client needs such as; positive behaviour support, tracheostomy care, continence care, dysphasia, PEG/PEJ care, epilepsy care. As well as the areas named above. Our staff team adapt and attend training as to the changing needs of the individuals who attend the day centre.
Our Quality
We are proud to deliver a service which supports high levels of care and outcomes, here are some recent quotes from family members of clients and clients who use the day centre: