The day John Lewis came to Alcohol Services

Our Alcohol Services received a wonderful donation of a new television from John Lewis on Friday 28th April.

The service has a proud record of supporting people to make significant changes in their life. Most of the clients who go to our Alcohol Services are with us for three months, during which time the service gets to see changes in physical and mental well-being, with confidence and self-esteem growing. What the service does not always get to see is how the changes they support make a difference over a longer period of time.

Eddie came to our Alcohol Services in 2019, and completed the residential rehab programme. Shortly after completing the rehab programme, motivated by all that he had learnt at St Anne’s, he had the confidence to get an agency job with the John Lewis Partnership. After a year of agency work, Eddie was invited to become a full-time partner with John Lewis, a role he has enjoyed for the past two years.

Eddie has remained in contact with our Alcohol Services, being thankful for the support he received. Eddie wanted to express his gratitude, and after talking to his manager at John Lewis and the manager at Alcohol Services, he organised the wonderful donation of a new television.

On the day of the delivery of the television, Eddie was able to attend and meet some of the current clients and receive their thanks.

The staff and clients of our Alcohol Services and St Anne’s as a whole are hugely appreciative to Eddie for putting the service forward for this gift. We are so pleased for the continued progress that Eddie has made with his recovery, and we all wish him ongoing success with his job.

Thank you to John Lewis and to Lindsay Tulip, Site Manager for John Lewis Partnership, for organising the donation, and to her team for delivering and fitting the television.


Picture 1 – John Lewis delivery van at Alcohol Services


Picture 2 – left to right – Amanda Wignall (Alcohol Support Worker), Jonathan Philpott (Manager), Roseleen Stewart (Deputy Manager) Eddie McNally (John Lewis), Tony Sunderland (Alcohol Support Worker) with the new television


Picture 3 – left to right – Jonathan Philpott (Manager) and Eddie McNally (John Lewis), with the ceremonial handover of the remote control


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