Business Development Team
“Hi – I am Abby, Bids and Contracts Manager for St Anne’s in the Business Development Team.
“I have worked in the care sector for six years and have been with St Anne’s since 2020.
“I studied professional writing at university and began a job as a graduate bid writer whilst living in London in 2016, so writing has always been my passion. Upon moving back to Grimsby in late 2016, I began bid writing for Health and Social Care organisations, predominantly for Assistive Technology and people with Learning Disabilities. It wasn’t until I joined St Anne’s in 2020 that I really began to expand my knowledge on the wide variety of needs that the care sector supports people with every day.
“As a company, St Anne’s has encouraged me to develop my role and provided me with opportunities to manage bids and projects more freely and enthusiastically. Whatever training I need to advance my knowledge or develop me professionally has been offered, whether that is internal and supported by my colleagues, or external for me to gain specific qualifications. The management and support from my team has been the best I’ve ever had; our team works tirelessly to capture opportunities for our organisation, manage and process contracts effectively, develop our existing services and successfully mobilise new ones, support client engagement and not to mention the complete redevelopment of our marketing and communications platforms and propositions. I’m supported both professionally and personally and everyone steps up when collaborative work is needed”.
We are very PROUD of Abby and all our talented Business Development members.