Promoting choice and independence
We offer a range of person- centred community outreach support including a volunteer and befriending service, which enables and empowers people to live fulfilled lives. A downloadable PDF about our Outreach services is available here
- Our Service
- Client Outcomes
- Case studies
- Our Quality (CQC Ratings)
- Access to services
- Supporting and managing them to take positive risks
- A person-centred approach to support and planning
- Working within assessed needs and monitoring changing need
- Working within peoples own preferences and choice
- Supporting people to develop daily living skills such as cooking a meal, housework, reading and corresponding mail, shopping and planning,
- Working towards planned outcomes and steps towards goals
- Support to manage housing needs
- Maximising support through benefits
- Supporting people with finances and to manage a budget plan
- Aiding and helping with specific health needs
- Accessing education/ leisure/ employment
- Engaged Community Nurses and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy team to support her with her PTSD and sexualised behaviour
- Had a student nurse working with us who supported the client closely with sexual health advice and information on healthy relationships
- The lead support worker built up trust with the client to build her confidence and develop key life skills (cooking, cleaning) and worked closely to engage her in the community where she made positive relationships with other clients
- We coproduced a safety plan with the client to ensure she could go out on her own and have everything she needed e.g. a portable charger for her phone
- We supported the client to enrol in college to study health and beauty and continue to work with her to on a pathway to employment and independent living in the near future
Outreach – Empowering people in communities
We have over 30 years of expertise in delivering community-based Outreach services, and have the infrastructure, connections and support embedded in the areas we operate across the North of England.
We provide professional, experienced, and caring support staff that work collaboratively with all our clients to enable those with severe and complex health needs to define, build and live a meaningful, independent and satisfying life. To do this we work closely not only with our clients but with other professionals to establish wrap around individualised care.
Our Outreach support offers many different elements from a befriending service and volunteering service in Kirklees, to bespoke Outreach in Leeds, York and North and South Tyneside, all with the aim of supporting people to live their best lives in their homes and communities.
Contact details:
Outreach in Leeds:
Address: St Anne’s Community Services Unit 5 Fountain Court, 12 Bruntcliffe Way, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 0JG, Tel: 0113 243 5151
Client Outcomes
We support people to live a full and active life by enabling and empowering them to live independently as part of their community. We currently support client outcomes through:
Our approach is it about creating confidence, friendships, health and wellbeing, and life skills to enable the people we support to lead independent and fulfilled lives.
Outreach Case Study
Within our Leeds Floating Outreach and Transition service we supported a 19-year-old female who had a significant history of sexual abuse within her family, and as a result had developed PTSD and continuously put herself in risky situations.
To support her we:
We have pleasure in knowing we helped support this young person to move forward in their life.
Our Quality
We are proud to delivery quality services, please see below for our CQC ratings:
Our care in action
Within our Leeds Floating Outreach and Transition service we supported a 19-year-old female – this is her story.
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