Residential Care
Supporting fulfilled lives
Our Residential Care Home service provides wonderful settings, supported by highly trained staff, in which our clients are supported to live fulfilled lives.
Our person centred care approach ensures all the people we support are consulted on their needs and wishes on an ongoing basis via our planning and review process, this means their wishes, needs, choices, aspirations and individual health conditions are supported. We also liaise with external agencies and networks to support any additional needs, thus creating a complete service offering, which supports our clients to have a ‘life without limits’. A downloadable PDF about our Residential Care services is available here
- Our Service
- Client Outcomes
- Case Studies
- Our Quality (CQC Reports)
Our Service
Our care home service enables the people we support with daily living tasks, social and leisure interests, maintenance of health and personal care as required.
Each service is set in a warm and friendly environment, with the best resources and equipment to suit the needs and requirements of the people we support. Our person-centred care approach, delivered by our talented staff, ensures all clients are consulted on their support needs and wishes, which ensures they are supported hand in hand with the direction for their care and outcomes.
Client Outcomes
Our services are designed to support people having fulfilled and empowered lives. Within our Residential Care Homes each client has a personal support plan, which details how they wish to be assisted, these are reviewed and updated regularly.
All support plans and risk assessments are put together in a person-centred way, with clients are consulted at every step of the process. All the people we support are encouraged to make decisions in all aspects of their lives, including social activities, holidays, clothing, menu planning, decoration and choice of furniture within each setting, our aim is to provide a comfortable and engaging home from home.
All the people we support are able to access day services within each local community, and are assisted and encouraged to undertake other activities further afield. Each staff team also support clients to access other community facilities such as places of worship, shops, cafes, restaurants, sports centres and clubs.
Our approach means the people we support drive their lives and outcomes and we are proud to be able to support them.
Case Studies
Simon aged 40 accessed our Huddersfield Residential Service (specialists in mental health support), Simon has spent most of his life in and out of secure hospitals and prison. However, drug use lead to convictions of domestic violence, GBH and sexual assault. He also has a history of self-harm. Simon’s diagnosis is mixed personality disorder and schizophrenia.
At the initial assessment, information stated he was manipulative and had very challenging behaviour towards staff and others. We looked through his assessments it became clear that having been in systems for years he probably had not ever been treated as an equal or asked an opinion, so we decided to adapt how we worked with the client.
Simon would often put cardboard up at his windows and was asked to take it down where upon his behaviour became more challenging. We took the time to talk with Simon and asked him if he would like some black out curtains so he could keep the light out of his room. Simon was talking aback by the gesture and was polite and grateful in his response.
We use the Mental Health Recovery Star which is individualised, measurable and outcome focused. We have also developed with Simon, a mental health relapse indicator plan, so he could advise us what happened when his mental health deteriorated.
We then formed a crisis contingency plan with him which stated in the first instance we would work with him and his Psychiatrist and treat him at the home firstly only referring to hospital if he becomes seriously unwell
Simon’s is no longer exhibiting challenging behaviour since receiving our support and is working towards living successful in the community within the next six months. We are very pleased with the outcomes for Simon.
Our Quality
We are proud of the quality of our services, below are our Residential Care Homes CQC ratings.